Autumn is no stranger to the limelight. For eight years, she graced dance floors across the nation, mastering the intricate footwork of Ballroom and Latin dances. Her dedication and passion led her to competitions on a national scale. However, as time unfolded, finding the right dance partner became a challenge, leading Autumn to pastures new. 

A New Beginning ON THE TRACK 

As the curtains closed on her dance journey, Autumn's thirst for excitement and challenge remained unquenched. Presented with the freedom to choose her next adventure, an unexpected turn led her to the thrilling world of Karting at Buckmore Park in Kent. Initially apprehensive and out of her comfort zone, it took just one session behind the wheel for the spark to ignite. The 30-minute session was transformative; from her first cautious laps to the triumphant grin at the end, it was clear - a racer was born. 

Ascending THE RANKS 

With every weekend that passed, Autumn's skill on the racetrack has grown . Her initial sessions at Buckmore Park laid the foundation, but it was her determination, bolstered by newfound friends and a touch of friendly rivalry, that truly accelerated her journey. Guided by seasoned parents and professionals at the track, Autumn and her family began to invest in her racing future – first with personal gear and eventually with her very own Kart. 


As Autumn's proficiency soared, so did her ambitions. Embracing the owner-driver realm was a significant step, both financially and commitment-wise. With her family's unwavering support, she began participating in categorised 'Track Days' — a safe environment where she honed her skills, understood her Kart better, and pushed the boundaries of her racing potential. With the encouragement of track professionals and after showcasing her capabilities, Autumn embarked on her professional karting journey. Acquiring her racing license from Motorsport UK, she has now set her sights on ascending the ranks, from a Novice to a Rookie, and beyond. 


Autumn's journey from the dance floor to the racetrack is a testament to her adaptability, determination, and passion. Whilst karting may still be an arena majorly frequented by fathers and their sons, Autumn is shattering stereotypes, proving that the racetrack is for everyone. Through every twist and turn, she exemplifies that with passion and the right guidance, any dream is achievable. 

Contact Autumn GET IN TOUCH 

If you would like to contact us for more information about Autumn Race Girl, email us using either method below 
Email: enquiries@autumnracegirl.com